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Pistes en skiliften

Ski amadé Panorama

Beste oriëntatie met alle pistes en liften in Ski amadé. Alles in één oogopslag!
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Salzburger Sportwelt

Type Status Naam Aantal personen Dal Berg Bedrijfstijden
DSL popolo 1 2 875m 1285m 08:30 - 16:15
6-SBK popolo 2 6 1215m 1612m 08:30 - 16:15
ÜL topolino 1 1 875m 889m 08:30 - 16:15
ÜL topolino 2 1 1222m 1291m 08:30 - 16:15
Type Status # Naam besneeuwbaar Lengte Hoogteverschil Helling
Abfahrt Moosalm
Popolo I (red)
Popolo IIa (blue)

Family piste

2b Popolo II b (blue)

Family piste

Topolino I

Flat, wide practice piste

Skiroute Eben
Popolo I (blue)
Popolo IIb (red)
Popolo II a (red)
Adventure trail for kids

Adventure trail for kids with talking figures - Popolo II top station

Ski touring ascent route Eben 2600m 743m
Topolino II

Piste with children's area

Fun park

Fun park with video track and new different rails for sliding

Kinderland - children's area

Along the plate lift Topolino II numerous adventures and a small house -where cold toes warm up quickly again - are waiting for the little skiers.

Andrea Fischbacher timed run
    easy moderate difficult Ski route
    geopend gesloten in preparation