Aktuálne info naživo


Stačí iba jedno kliknutie a získate informácie o aktuálnom počasí a predpoveď pre Ski amadé na nasledujúce dni. Ak by prognóza nebola celkom podľa vašich predstáv, vezmite si so sebou zopár kúskov oblečenia navyše a dovolenka sa môže začať! Lebo ako dobre viete, neexistuje zlé počasie, iba zlé oblečenie...

Chcete vedieť ako vyzerá počasie v horách? Vďaka mnohým webovým kamerám získate informácie o aktuálnej snehovej i poveternostnej situácii na nasledujúci týždeň.

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Flachau – Snow Space Salzburg

As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.

Wagrain – Snow Space Salzburg

As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.

St. Johann – Snow Space Salzburg

As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.


As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.


As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.


As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.


As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.


As a high is approaching, we will experience an immediate improvement in the weather on Monday. A few early clouds will dissipate very quickly and during the morning we will see the transition to very sunny weather which will remain into the evening.

Tipy na ubytovanie v Ski amadé

Perfektný spánok na dovolenke

Zachvátila vás prudká cestovná horúčka a vytúžené prázdniny stoja konečne predo dvermi? Kým však vyrazíte za zábavou na zjazdovkách a oddychom od všedných dní, potrebujete ešte vhodné ubytovanie! Ponuka Ski amadé je obrovská: od rodinných apartmánov, cez súkromné ubytovanie a útulné penzióny s raňajkami až po luxusné hotely. Hostitelia v Ski amadé sa už nemôžu dočkať vašej návštevy. Tak neváhajte a príďte si užiť nezabudnuteľné chvíle do Salzburska a Štajerska!


Zimné kúzlo priamo pred dverami hotela

Zimné športy a wellness v srdci pohoria Ennstal. Objavte 123 kilometrov zjazdoviek v 4-horskej lyžiarskej oblasti. Relaxujte v kúpeľoch Premium Alpin Spa s alpskou saunovou dedinou a vodnými svetmi a vychutnávajte si luxus prírodného s regionálnou prírodnou kuchyňou a alpským životným štýlom.